
After sales services, support & training

Certification / conformity : We can also provide calibration and certification of our different ranges of sensors, data loggers, flow meters and samplers.

Training / support: Our qualified trainers are all environmental professionals present at each stage of your project and declining field training defined upstream.

Repairs & maintenance plan: Our services dedicated to Teledyne Isco or Ijinus products evaluate and quote necessary repairs, ensure the maintenance and replacement of your equipment if necessary.
For your product returns, please complete and insert this form into the package RMA Application Form

Training and maintenance

A complete and cost-effective range of sensors, water samplers, rain gauges, loggers available for short and long term rentals including :


Web monitoring web software

Web services

IJITRACK® is an online service saving you to purchase, install, manage and upgrade software or hardware.

  • Centralize all physical quantities, alarms, …
  • Visualize all measures
  • Decide on interventions and actions to be done.
  • Configure the sensors and alarm thresholds
  • Easy inventory control
  • Minimize journeys
  • Traceability of materials
  • Anticipating demand and customer needs
  • Optimization of delivery rounds
  • Simplified business and technical management